Commercial Auto


Business Auto Insurance to Protect Your Company

For many businesses, company cars are a very common factor that is both a perk for the employee but can also take on some risks to the business. Many of these vehicles are used for multiple purposes, for both personal and work use. Knowing that your business can be fully protected by business auto insurance is smart and relatively cheap in comparison to claims.

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Why Do I Need Business Auto Insurance

Business owners sometimes don’t realize how important auto insurance for their company is and what it does and does not cover. From driving to client meetings to daily deliveries, your company could be at risk anytime an employee is on the road. It is important to note that when your employees use a vehicle for business purposes, their personal auto insurance policy no longer applies in the case that an accident happens. This also includes property damage and fatality. We all know the saying, “better safe than sorry,” and at Power3 we want to be the ones to help make sure that you’re protected.

What Business Auto Insurance Covers

  • Comprehensive and collision
  • Emergency roadside assistance
  • Liability
  • Loss of earning
  • Medical costs
  • Uninsured motor vehicles

Optional Add-Ons

Check out the smart optional coverage options for your commercial auto insurance policy: 

  • Drive other car: if your personal vehicle is owned by the company you work for, this coverage will fill any gaps if the owner were to ever drive a vehicle other than his own and get into an accident. 
  • Hired/borrowed liability: coverage should the business rent a vehicle 
  • Medical or personal injury protection: covers the medical costs in the event of an accident, no matter who’s fault it is
  • Non-owned liability: this covers employee-owned vehicles when they are being used for workplace purposes 
  • Uninsured motorist coverage: in the case that you get in an accident with someone who is not insured 
  • Underinsured: in the case that you get in an accident with someone who has insurance, but not enough to cover everything


We are committed to providing a personal, high-quality service

At Power3, we understand that most insurance products are generally similar in price and function. But some companies don’t thoroughly explain their policies which can become a bigger issue in the future. We built our company around trying to avoid just that– we promise honesty so that there are no surprises. Power3 will give you all the information and assistance you need when it comes to your personalized insurance plans and all-around well-being. 


Companies we partner with

We have your best interest at heart. With that, we only partner with trusted insurance companies we see as both affordable and of the highest quality.

Get a Commercial Auto quote

Fill out the online form below or call 630.397.0378 to get started on your free quote.

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